Zim's Notes

Just work related notes.

Ansible and Azure CLI - Closer Than I Thought

What if…

… Ansible support for Azure was based on Azure CLI?

Similarities and Differences

Item Azure CLI Ansible
Implementation Python/Python SDK Python/Python SDK
UX Azure CLI Options are flattened, simplified and well designed Ansible options are flattened and we strive to simplify the structure. The level of simplification of Azure CLI is our ultimate goal.
Error Handling Excellent. Azure CLI has a lot of checks and gracefully handles critical situations. User can easily create any new resource by reading documentation and reading error responses when something goes wrong. Poor, if user specifies wrong parameters in most cases module propagates error received from Azure, which in most cases is meaningless
Idempotence Not a major goal of Azure CLI, however the idea is that Azure CLI commands should be idempotent Idempotence is a major feature of Ansible, however we have several implementation problems, for instance not handling non-updatable fiels correctly, not detecting changes in parameters corectly. A lot of inconsistencies in the implementation
Documentation Excellent Good, but sometimes not complete or directly copied from REST API Specification
Check Mode NO YES (see notes on idempotence)
Coverage Around 60% of Azure API Around 12% of Azure API

How it Could Be Done?

Implementation could be extremely simple

We could have entire implementation in a single base az.py Ansible module to encapsulate Azure CLI.

Instead of implementing hundreds of modules for every single resource, we could just have symbolic links to the base module:

  • az_vm.py
  • az_acr.py
  • az_vmss.py

Base module implementation knows via which link it was loaded, so based on that it can dynamically create:

  • appropriate documentation
  • appropriate argument spec
  • handle arguments correctly and call correct commands

On the top of that module can: - recognise which options are updatable by comparing create and update parameters (using distilled knowledge from Azure CLI)

How module would work?

(1) call az xxx get to check whether resource exists, get current state (2) call az xxx create or az xxx update if resource exists (3) compare output of initial get with output of update, to check whether anything has changed

What’s missing?

Check Mode

Check mode is probably the only missing feature that Ansible has (but we are struggling to implement it correctly) and Azure CLI doesn’t.

As far as I know Azure CLI is striving to implement idempotency. I need to collect more details on that.

Anyway, a new option called –check-mode would be nice to have. It could work as follows:

User calls:

az xxxx create ….. params …..

Azure CLI calls get method on the resource to be created. Azure CLI prepares the structure to call Python SDK API. Acure CLI compares structure returned by get and structure prepared for create call. If the structures match, return no change required, if structures don’t match return list of changes detected.

This method would probably work for around 90% of Azure resources, it would fail with

This module would just handle all the interaction with unerlying Azure CLI, including: - handling currently selected subscription if necessary - handling authentication

On the top of that we could just create symbolic links to that module for every Azure resource, for instance:

az module knows through which link it was called, so it could generate documentation and argument specification dynamically.


  • Azure CLI has extremely well maintained UX, which just appears ideal for tools like Ansible
  • Examples are curated for every resource and well tested
  • Documentation could be just reused without any changes

What’s missing?

  • idempotence
  • idempotence
  • idempotence