Zim's Notes

Just work related notes.

Creating Container Based Function App Using Azure CLI

It’s just a few lines of code, but took me some time to do it by trial and error.

Just a few steps:

(1) create resource group

(2) create storage account

(3) create appservice plan with is_linux option

(4) create function app and specify container image httpd from DockerHub

az group create --name zimsfromclixx --location westeurope

az storage account create --name zimsstoragefromclixx --location westeurope --resource-group zimsfromclixx --sku Standard_LRS

az appservice plan create --name myplan -g zimsfromclixx --is-linux --location westeurope --sku S1 --number-of-workers 1

az functionapp create --resource-group zimsfromclixx --os-type Linux --plan myplan --name zimsfromclixx --deployment-container-image-name httpd --storage-account zimsstoragefromclixx

Just run the commands using Azure CLI, go to the browser and enter https://zimsfromclixx.azurewebsites.net/ (you may use your own functionapp name here), and you should see standard Apache’s **It Works!!“ welcome page.

Sounds easy, however when creating functionapp, –plan argument is not obligatory, and if you omit step (3) and –plan argument, default plan will be created, and with default plan you can’t use containers. It took me some time to figure out….

Also some people run into similar problem, for instance here:


In fact only this PR helped me to understand how Azure CLI works:


When you try to specify –deployment-container-image-name httpd without passing –plan that is is_linux, Azure CLI resoponds with following message, which is quite misleading:

usage error: –runtime RUNTIME required for linux functions apps without custom image.

I submitted issue to Azure CLI regarding this: https://github.com/Azure/azure-cli/issues/8889

Finally, here’s a link to some documentation I found later:
